Our Club

Join our club to improve your cycling and enjoy riding your bikes more. It’s fun to ride socially or enter more challenging events as part of a group and you will find our club welcoming and supportive. We have adult Sunday leisure rides all year round.

Our thriving youth development section, VC Jubilee, has regular Saturday mountain biking plus cyclo-cross and track racing. There are also training sessions which help turn our young riders into excellent all-round cyclists. Adults can train to become qualified coaches.

We have a lively social side so members have plenty of opportunities to share stories and talk about all things cycling related. We hold various events throughout the year and evening rides finish at the pub.

Who's Who

The BECC Committee manages the club’s activities, funds, property and affairs. All the members are active cyclists. The committee structure and procedures are outlined in the BECC constitution under the rules section.

Bob Harber

Bob is the man for time trials and leads our relaxed Sunday blue rides. He knows every road and café stop in Sussex.

Chris Hodge
Vice Chairman

Chris is a Saturday youth coach, Principal Lead Rider, kit man and British Cycling contact.

Martin Naylor
Club Communications

Martin is club secretary, does our comms and marketing, plans red run routes and monitors membership.

Alan Coom

Alan runs the club accounts, supports Chris with the kit and plans some of our more adventurous rides.

Rosalind Greene
Women's Cycling + Red Run

Ros is one of our hardiest Sunday riders and long term member having brought her kids through VCJ.

Ben Miller
Coach + Welfare

Ben helps run youth cycling, runs CX training and track events, supports TTs and all round club governance.

Steve Smith
Club Runs

Steve is a Sunday regular and very good at bike maintenance. Long involvement with cycling.